Empowering Women in STEM Careers – 9th October 2024

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Ahmed Mahmoud: Mensch und Maschine

Empowering Women in STEM Careers
Inspiration – Discussion – Networking

9th October 2024, 4 – 7:30 pm
Senatssaal, Kollegienhaus, Universitätsstraße 15, Erlangen

Actively empowering women in STEM-careers is an important step to overcome barriers and to foster gender equality. Female role-models can make a significant difference and empower other women by talking about their career paths, sharing their experiences, and highlighting their successes in STEM.

We’d love to welcome you to our event to talk, discuss and network. Meet our keynote speaker at Schaeffler and Alumnae of the Femtec Career-Building Programme at FAU and Siemens Healthineers. They will give inspirational insights into their career experiences and provide exchange opportunities.

See our programme.

FAU has been member of Femtec Network since 2022.
The event is organized by the FAU Career Service and Femtec and supported by the FAU Office of Equality and Diversity. Please register here.