Anti-discrimination is a strategic field of action in diversity management. Effective prevention of discrimination is crucial to actively encourage diversity at FAU and allow all individuals to achieve their full potential.
Discrimination is the less favorable treatment of people without objective justification on the basis of a protected characteristic or a protected social category, such as gender, ethnic origin and racial attributions, age, disability or chronic illness, sexual identity, religion or belief, or social origin or status (Section 1 General Equal Treatment Act (AGG); German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes) 2014a: 8 et seq). When determining whether or not discrimination has taken place, it is the outcome which counts, and not the motive or whether or not it was intentional (thoughtlessness, general administrative procedures, etc.). Equals are treated unequally or people with unequal conditions are treated equally (Guidelines on preventing discrimination at universities, German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes) 2014a: 8et seq).
Levels of discrimination
- Direct or individual (interactional) level: Behavior towards another person is ostracizing or degrading.
- Indirect or secondary level: Discrimination occurs in guidelines or measures with neutral wording that does not contain any obvious discrimination, but can be discriminatory to certain groups.
- Institutional or structural level: Actions of an organization, discrimination due to laws, ordinances, guidelines or institutional routines of the culture of an organization that lead to imbalanced distribution of opportunities.
- Societal level: Discrimination by means of ideas, names and images. Ideas and images are brought to the University through the creation of knowledge in the form of media, academic literature, teaching units and concepts, but also in everyday discourse (cf. German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes) 2014a: 11).
- Inter-sectional or multiple discrimination: Discrimination on single grounds is rare in our everyday lives, multiple or inter-sectional discrimination is more common. This means that several characteristics or categories interact and can lead to discrimination.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is also considered discrimination in accordance with Section 2 (1) nos. 1to 4 and Section 3 General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). On September 23, 2014, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg passed its “Guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment at FAU”. Our office provides information on how to deal with sexual harassment.
AGG stipulates the rights and legal consequences in cases of discrimination within the world of work and under civil law. The aim of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) is to “to prevent or to stop discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation” (Section 1 AGG).
Universities are subject to the provisions of AGG in their function as employers. The rights and obligations for universities pursuant to AGG include:
Duty to protect pursuant to Section 12:
Universities must take the measures necessary to protect their employees from discrimination.
This protection also includes preventive measures. Universities must also inform staff of these rights and obligations. If discrimination occurs, universities must use various measures in each individual case such as warnings, transfers, notices of termination or prevention.
Complaints team and procedure pursuant to Section 13 AGG:
Universities must set up a complaints team and a complaints procedure. AGG grants employees a comprehensive right to file complaints about discrimination. (Guidelines on preventing discrimination at universities, German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes) 2014a).
The Office of Equality and Diversity is one of the points of contact and counseling services at FAU pursuant to Section 6 of the guidelines. It provides confidential initial advice and can advise female students and researchers directly affected by sexual harassment and discrimination how to pursue the matter further. Information about other points of contact and counseling services at FAU is available at:
Point of contact for advice: Harriet Ziegler
FAU is represented by the Office of Equality and Diversity in the nationwide network called “Anti-discrimination at universities”.
The anti-discrimination forum was established under the leadership of the Office of Equality and Diversity as a further central anti-discrimination measure. It acts as a communication and working forum. The forum provides long-term networking opportunities for various central and decentralized advisory offices and counseling services and other representatives or points of contact. The aim is to identify needs for action and draw up recommendations for dealing with cases of discrimination in a uniform and transparent manner and to raise awareness within the University.
Events organized by the forum to date:
December 13, 2021: Online event: “Die Universität als exklusiver Raum: Alltagsrassismus und rassistische Strukturen in Wissenschaft und Hochschule” with the external speaker Dr. Daniela Heitzmann
Febuary 20, 2020: FAU workshop on discrimination in the university, looking at anti-discrimination policies and structures at institutes of higher education. Documentation on the workshop is available here.
November 20, 2019: Information and networking event with the discrimination officer from the City of Nuremberg, Ipek Erdönmez.
Contact person
- Harriet Ziegler, Diversity Manegement
„Leitfaden Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen. Ein Praxisleitfaden für Mitarbeitende im Hochschulbereich“ Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes sowie in dem Endbericht zu „Diskriminierung in der Hochschule“.
Diskriminierungsfreie Hochschule – Mit Vielfalt Wissen schaffen: Good Practices (2012)
Antidiskriminierungsberatung (um)setzen – 10 Fragen und Antworten (2017)
Antidiskriminierungsberatung in der Praxis. Die Standards des advd ausbuchstabiert (2013)
Bausteine für einen systematischen Diskriminierungsschutz an Hochschulen (2020)