Point of contact
Point of contact
The Office acts as a first point of contact for gathering all available information and resources and linking the various stakeholders (for example Academic Affairs and Student Services, disability liaison officers in the Student Advice and Careers Service (IBZ) and Student Services, staff disability liaison officers, employer’s disability liaison officers pursuant to SGB IX).
How can teaching staff create an accessible learning environment for students?
The Office provides information and advice about how to increase the accessibility of learning environments. Important information about improving the situation of around 8 percent of students in Germany who are affected by disabilities and chronic illness is provided by the special survey called “beeinträchtigt studieren (PDF)” carried out by the German National Association for Student Affairs (2012: 2f.):
- For around 94 percent of students who took part in the survey, their disability is not noticeable at first glance.
- For 45 percent of those surveyed, their mental disability affected their studies the most, for 20 percent it was their chronic somatic disorder (allergies, rheumatism, tumor diseases), for 6 percent it was their specific learning disability (e.g. dyslexia), for 5 percent their visual impairment, for 4 percent their impaired mobility and for 3 percent their speech and hearing impairment.
- Above all, the high number of examinations, demands in terms of organizing one’s studies, attending laboratory courses, placements/internships and excursions and how classes and examinations are designed are very challenging for those affected.
- Only 27 percent of the students surveyed applied for compensation for disadvantages (additional time, extension of examination deadlines, etc.). Students refrained as firstly, they believed they were not eligible, secondly, they did not want any special treatment, and thirdly, because they did not want their disability to become public.
The results illustrate how vital it is to provide information and advice to teaching staff and students. The University of Frankfurt has drawn up useful guidelines for teaching staff, which are available on the University of Frankfurt website.