Visiting Scholarships Faculty of Engineering
Visiting Scholarships Faculty of Engineering
International visiting scholarship abroad
The Faculty of Engineering at FAU provides funding for excellent young female researchers (as of postdoctoral level, in other words female postdoctoral researchers, habilitation candidates and assistant professors) at the Faculty to complete a research stay abroad with a scholarship amounting to a maximum of €10,000 per person.
The women’s representatives at the Faculty of Engineering issue a call for applications for the travel scholarship once a year. Applicants should submit an application including
- Scientific justification for the stay abroad
- Budget planning
- An assessment of the (measurable) benefits of the stay abroad.
Scholarship holders receive a certificate that they can include with their documents for future reference.
The committee of women’s representatives at the Faculty of Engineering decides on the applications on the basis of scientific criteria and the impact the stay abroad is likely to have on the applicant’s future career.
Further information can be found in the application guidelines: International Visiting Scholarship Application Guide
The application form can be downloaded here.
Incoming scholarship at the Faculty of Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering at FAU supports excellent young female researchers from other institutions with a scholarship enabling them to spend time researching at the Faculty. This measure encourages internationalization at FAU and can be used as a strategic proactive recruitment measure to make contact to outstanding young female researchers.
The target group are young female researchers from other institutions who are already far on in their doctoral degrees and would like to spend time conducting research at the Faculty of Engineering.
After receiving an informal application from a professor at the Faculty of Engineering the committee of women’s representatives decide on whether or not to award the research scholarship. The maximum amount of funding available for each application is €2,000. Funding is subject to availability.
Further information on applying is available here:
Incoming Scholarship Application Guide