Gender and Diversity in Teaching
Gender-sensitive and inclusive teaching and learning culture
The intention of an inclusive approach to teaching and studying is for all students to be able to participate successfully in the learning process. University teaching requires inclusive teaching concepts and didactic tools. Gender-sensitive and inclusive teaching has to take several fields of action into consideration: from lecturers’ perception of themselves and others, to the choice of subject content and teaching and learning methods, to communication and interaction, to grading achievements and deciding on a framework.
FAU strives to realize the goals of equality, diversity and internationalization anchored in its Mission for teaching and studying, and to ensure participation of all students, irrespective of their social group, their personal situation or their current circumstances.
FAU supports teaching at various levels, e.g. with specific guides, events and training tailored to the needs of specific target groups. As early as 2015, FAU published Recommendations for promoting a teaching and learning culture sensitive to gender and diversity at FAU, a comprehensive guide for faculties, degree program managers and lecturers on the question of how to establish a gender-sensitive and inclusive studying and learning environment.
In 2017, the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) and the Center for Continuing Education in University-Level Teaching (FBZHL) worked together with the Office of Equality and Diversity to organize the 3rd “Tag der Lehre” at FAU, focusing on “The creative potential of diversity”.
The following are helpful practical instructions, tips and guidelines that may help you when considering inclusive teaching:
External guides, handouts and tutorials
Training For Change (Online-Tool) | Online-Tools. (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
TOOL-Box Gender & Diversity in der Lehre | Toolbox • Gender und Diversity in der Lehre ( (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
Zentrum für Kompetenzentwicklung für Diversity Management in Studium und Lehre (KomDiM)
Für den Lehralltag – KomDiM (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
Checkliste für eine diversitysensible Lehre (checklist for inclusive teaching) HS-Kempten | https://www.eichstellung_und_Familie/Dateien/Checkliste_fuer_eine_diversitysensible_Lehre_HKE.pdf (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
Handouts for teaching staff, Universität Hamburgg | Studierende in besonderen Lebenslagen als Teilnehmende an Online-Lehrveranstaltungen: Handreichung für Lehrende… (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
Checklist for accessible and inclusive events and courses
HS-Kempten |
Microsoft Word – Dokument1 ( (retrieved on June 15, 2022) |
The Office of Equality and Diversity (BGD) has also compiled a list of practical tips and instructions for accessible (digital) teaching on the following page: Accessible Teaching